Yacht Cru Wine Guide

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How to Chill Wine Fast

Your guests are drinking their way through the Champagne and you have just realised there are not many chilled bottles left. You know the fridge will take several hours and even the freezer might take an hour. Plus there is always the danger of forgetting it and being left with an exploded mess.  So how do you chill wine fast?

After some research we have found that salt is your secret weapon! Prepare an ice bucket with plenty of ice and just a little water, then stir in a cup of salt. Thanks to science, apparently the salt lowers the temperature of the ice water so you get faster cooling.  Twirl the bottle a occasional and after 10 minutes, your bottle should be fully chilled. Don’t forget to thoroughly rinse the bottle of wine after so you don’t end up pouring salt into your guest’s glass! 

We haven't tried it ourselves yet but will be testing it out soon and letting you know the results!